Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Non-Apocryphal Ode to the Calypso Dancers of the Apocalypse. Written in 2017 but seems so apropos for 2022, given events thus far.

Non-Apocryphal Ode to the Calypso Dancers of the Apocalypse

(after “Gavage”, by Revolutionary Poet Dian Sousa)


The day came when God finally threw down

the all-seeing telescope and thundered,

            “That’s it!  Again, they’ve gone too far!

            We’re cleaning up that cesspool!”

“Yo!” God  bellowed to Buddha, who was nearby,

“Summon the angels, the saints, the cherubim, etc.,

 and tell them to bring their weapons!”


“Yes, Sir!  Yes, Ma’am!” the legions of Heaven

bugled, sang, trumpeted, murmured, or,

in the case of the cherubim, burbled.

Yes, Sir?  Yes, Ma’am?    Indeed:  God

is not He and/or She, but He/She.


Yes! Unctuous homo-lesbo-trans-bi-fearing

Fascio-Christians, God is hermaphrodite,

either and both. Not to mention, when He/She feels like it,

a swan, a lion, an eagle, a snake,

or your neighbor’s Chihuahua

barking all night.  Sometimes God can be petty. 

But we digress.


“We need not enumerate their sins,”

God intoned solemnly.  “We know.

They know.  The willfulness, the greed,

the carnage.  And now, while children perish

from starvation, abuse, or their inane parents’

guns, we have this creeping, pernicious,

self-righteous, mean-spirited idea

that it’s OK to be a bastard, that WE

want them to be asshole mother-raping

father-torturing baby-killing “martyrs”,

or politicians, which is pretty much the same thing,

or weapons-toting neighbors making house calls.”


“What’s the plan?” demanded

the celestial cacophony, as

God thundered,

            “First, shut down the Internet;

            second, neutralize all weapons;

            third, send a series of targeted

            hurricanes, floods, droughts,

            and plagues – of locusts, or

            hummingbirds, or nail salons,

            just long enough to do serious damage,

            but not end it.  Yet.”

Pausing, Gods took a big swig from

the milk-and-honey fountain.  All that

thundering is hard on His/Her throat.


“And then?,” squeaked the cherubim,

caroled the angels, hissed Lucifer’s minions

(who had been summoned and pardoned

on the premise than many worse things

were happening on Earth than in Hell),

murmured the saints, and so on.


God conferred with Him/Herself.

“We need some prophets,

some community organizers,

some angels brave and foolish enough

to get their wings dirty.”




“Here’s what you do,” God rumbled

to the volunteers.  “Plant some ideas –

about cooperation, altruism, empathy,

self-reliance, taking responsibility for

your own life, and losing without

throwing a tantrum.  Then watch, and wait.”


Whoever emerges on the side of the angels,

literally, encourage them.  Give them whatever

help you can.  If you need a little intervention –

a rainstorm, a low tide, a brace of oxen

eager to pull a plow, say a prayer.  Loudly.”

“BUT, when you find those

inevitable insects out for power

or money or sexual exploitation,

mark an X on each one’s forehead.

Make it look like a tattoo – they like ink.

Those people are so egotistical, they’ll

believe they’re the chosen.

And so they are, but not

the way they think.”


And so it came to pass that

angels walked among us, recognized

us for what we were, and helped us,

 or chose us, as they saw fit.

At the end of that millennium,

the angels summoned all

citizens of the world

to Celestial Celebrations,

to be held at sacred places

of the earth.


As the people assembled,

no X-rated persons were seen.

They had simply vanished.

But there were still many

dodgy characters, who were

provisionally included on the basis

of pleas from family and friends,

or wily lies, or bribes.

As a crowd, this fringe group was

paler and more testosterone-riddled

than the majority, but every human

group was represented.  Greed never

sleeps.  Rapacity knows no color or

gender, etc.


Then the music began,

the steel drums, the marimbas,

the gourd rattles.

It was irrestible.


“Form up a line,”

angels cried in bell-like tones,

as heavenly bugles blared the beat.

“We’re dancing to heaven –

this place is toast.  Storm coming.

BIG storm.”


Raindrops as big

as Gods’ tears splashed down,

the skies parted and a golden highway

(or, yes, Dorothy, a yellow-brick road),

rolled right down to our pick-up point:

Avila Road and the 101.


People began to calypso dance

back to back and belly to belly

up the golden roads toward Everything,

just as people were dancing upwards

from Sedona and Krakov and Timbuktu

and Varanasi and Pagan and

holy places all over the globe.

            They danced for hours,

            they danced for days.

            It rained for hours,

            it rained for days.

            Of course.


Just as the last dancers shimmied

onto the golden roads, just as

the Irawaddy, the Ganges, the Nile,

the Amazon, the Mississippi, and even

the cement-stricken Los Angeles River

overflowed their banks,

waters chortling with greedy glee,

there was a disturbance in the ranks

at the Earth ends of the yellow roads:

the fringe group, last to ascend, saw

other roads, sinuous, black, shiny,

leading down and down.


“Uh oh,” said God.

“They have a choice,” said God,

and tootled his/her Kokopeli flute.

“Oh sinners, look here, other paths…”


At the ends of the long, singing, dancing, lines,

fat white CEO’s and multi-colored potentates,

dictators, child-eaters, weapons dealers and

their molls peeled off, to take the downward paths

to the Bad Place.  It seemed a better choice.

No pussy-whipped gender-crossing miscegenist

utopia for them.  Straight to Hell with their guns

and spears, machetes, rocket launchers, badges and name tags:

            Hello, I’m Dick Head,

            Founder and CEO of

            We Own Your Genome, Inc.

Better Hell than ‘love thy neighbor.’


But Hell was turned off.

No ponds of boiling oil,

no rooms filled with sulfurous gases,

no razor banisters.

It was all tidy and quiet.

(Lucifer’s minions were nothing

if not neat).  Nonetheless, the unholy fringe came,

they saw.   And then,

while battling for dominion of Hell,

they wiped themselves out.  Ashes

of their withered souls

clogged up the River Styx for months.

No angels wept.


In fact, no angels noticed,

Because things were hopping at

The Calypso Apocalypse.

“This is more like it,” God

said, smiling as

S/He shimmied to the beat.



“Sir-Madam,” an intrepid

shamaness from Guinea-Conakry

dared to ask, “do you think

maybe someday, you might

try again, a new,

improved human species?”


God shook His/Her heads so vigorously

that the ensuing wind flattened

five miles of unperturbed dancers

and parted the swollen Red Sea, again.


“Not for a long, long time,”

Gods said.  “Party on!”


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